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Reach Others for Life & for Christ
MybodyMyworship believes in the power of praising God with songs and hymns before, during, after...
(2 Chronicles 20:1-30)
MybodyMyworship believes that praising God with songs and hymns breaks chains and opens doors.
(Acts 16:12-34)
MybodyMyworship believes "our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places."
(Ephesians 6:12)
MybodyMyworship believes that true worship (John 4:23) comes from virtue (John 14:15)
and virtue comes through confession (James 5:16, Psalm 51, Psalm 32) and forgiving others (Matthew 6:12, 14-15).
MybodyMyworship believes that our bodies are temples of the Holy Spirit (1 Corinthians 3:16; 6:19) deserving to be white as snow (Psalm 51:7, Isaiah 1:18) and that we should choose to be living sacrifices who do not conform to this world (Romans 12:1-2).
My body. My choice to worship in Spirit and truth.
MybodyMyworship offers more than courses—workshops, masterminds, and event speakers equip Christ followers and Christian homeschoolers everywhere with tools to reach the world for life and for Christ.
Use your
every battle
whether you're writing
or speaking
or facing your every-day life tests
Praise God ahead of every battle (2 Chron 20:1-25)
Put on your armor (Eph 6:10-18)
Break every chain (Acts 16:12-34)
Decide you’re not coming down (Neh 6:1-16)
Praise again with thankfulness (2 Chron 20:26-30)
Pray differently. Love differently. Share differently.
Music & Praise
Cheryl and her collaborators encourage Christians to true worship with words and music in righteousness to open themselves to hearing and doing as God leads.
Cheryl and her collaborators encourage Christians to learn the spiritual mysteries of sexual integrity and consequences of abortion so that they are equipped to share the truth in (agape) love.
For Classical Conversations students, parent-teachers & Challenge A, B & 1 Directors:
Writing coach Cheryl Krichbaum will lead you through The Lost Tools of Writing Level 1, including how to integrate your IEW or other previous writing experience into your LTW essays.
For high school students, homeschool parents & Classical Conversations Challenge 1 & 2 Directors:
Writing coach Cheryl Krichbaum will lead you through the steps of writing comparison essays, including 2 different ways to organize your outline.
For Classical Conversations Challenge 3 students, parent-teachers & Directors:
Worship Pastor Andrew Towler will get you started on the music theory taught through the Math in Motion curriculum, which is required for the fall Reasoning strand.
For Christian homeschooling parents
Learn how to support and encourage your student who resists writing. The workshop will include strategies for elementary, middle, and high school students and research on boy writers. These strategies may help your student with Autism Level 1/Aspergers and ADHD.
For high school students & their parent-teachers: description
For high school students, homeschool parents & Classical Conversations Challenge 1 & 2 Directors:
Writing coach Cheryl Krichbaum will lead you through the steps of writing comparison essays, including 2 different ways to organize your outline.
Summaries of musical periods of history & their composers. This resource provides playlists and history sentences for famous composers & musical periods. For all homeschoolers plus Classical Conversations Foundations & Challenge 2.
For Christian high school students & their parents
Applying for college or another post-secondary school that requires an essay? In 2 days, draft your essay by finding clues to what your college wants to read, structure your essay well, write concisely and compellingly, and check your word count.
For Christian students, homeschool parents, & Classical Conversations Directors
Confused about how comparison essays are different than persuasive essays?
Not sure how to organize a comparison essay? Join Mrs. Krichbaum as she guides you through collecting content, writing the dreaded thesis statement, and structuring comparison essays.
For Parent-Teachers, Students & Directors
Whether you are new to IEW or just need a refresher, this workshop is perfect for parents and their students who want to preview this writing curriculum OR review last year's skills in preparation for the upcoming year!
For Christian high school & college students plus homeschooling parents and Classical Conversations Directors
Learn how to write research reports. Identify credible sources and collect the correct citation information for humanities (MLA) and sciences (APA). Then analyze the content in search of patterns, organize content into the correct outline, and structure paragraphs effectively.
CLASSICAL CONVERSATIONS CHALLENGE B ONLY. How does the Rhetorical Canon apply to your assignment? Allow me, award-winning author and former CC Challenge B Director Cheryl Krichbaum, to guide you.
How to outline a chapter of a science textbook with Mrs. Cathy Cordova, who is literally a rocket scientist! Learn the critical study skill of outlining. FREE one-night Zoom class with downloadable resources.
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Sex Ed for Adults
Abortion in The Church, Summit 2023
Watch the April 20, 2023 Summit to hear from post-abortive men and women on how to reach the wounded and lead them to healing programs. Let us come alongside you to turn the wounded into warriors for Christ. Discussion led by Jeannie Pittam, Post Abortion Healing & Transformation (PATH).
Pro-Life Education
Healing Abortion Pill Trauma, Summit 2022
Watch the video of the April 7, 2022 summit to hear about the effects of the abortion pills, what we're expecting to see in the near future, and how we can reach traumatized women for life and for Christ. Discussion led by Sylvia Blakely, RN, AriseDaughter.org.
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