MybodyMyworship, an education company



from the walking dead to the worshiping warrior


Writer by trade

Worship Warrior by Faith

Virtuous only through Mercy

I am an award-winning author, speaker, and writing coach who equips Christians to share the abundant life that Christ offers us all.

God has faithfully equipped me with writing and teaching/training experience at the college level, in corporate America, and with homeschooling while leading me to my life purpose of changing the abortion conversation through my unique understanding of abortion-minded women.



award-winning author, speaker, writing coach

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from the walking dead to the worshiping warrior


Writer by trade

Worship Warrior by Faith

Virtuous only through Mercy

I am an award-winning author, speaker, and writing coach who equips Christians to share the abundant life that Christ offers us all.

God has faithfully equipped me with writing and teaching/training experience at the college level, in corporate America, and with homeschooling while leading me to my life purpose of changing the abortion conversation through my unique understanding of abortion-minded women.

to the worshiping warrior

Writer by trade

Worship Warrior by Faith

Virtuous only through Mercy

I praise God that I am a Romans 8:28 story!

And I share my story only for His glory.

Although most women have abortions in their 20s, I had mine when I was 17. Although my abortion went perfectly from a worldly perspective, my joy was sucked out of me right along with my baby. Although many women quickly have regret and fall into depression, I didn't notice that my vitality was draining away.

Until Jesus.

I was brought up in church, but having a relationship with Jesus was foreign to me.

Thanks to my now-husband's faithful prayers, I let God into my heart in early 2001. We were married later that year, just a few weeks before 9/11. I am eternally grateful that I had the comfort of Christ through that time in our nation's history.

And more so for the heart-wrenching circumstances surrounding my brother's mental illness and homelessness.

Family mental illness was not new to me. My sister is also mentally ill. Walking alongside my siblings and parents as we navigate mental health laws and then HIPAA while trying to care for people who don't think they are ill made many difficult circumstances.

I felt tested and retested and retested again. Hence the name of my memoir, ReTested: The Story of a Post-Abortive Woman Called to Change the Conversation.

Over the 32 years (and now even more), I learned how to keep my focus on Jesus so that I would not drown—by praising the Prince of Peace and praying!

ReTested: The Story of a Post-Abortive Woman Called to Change the Conversation

God showed me through the story of King Jehoshaphat how to use praise and prayer to "battle" through life tests.

In my memoir, I share how approaching my life circumstances with praise and prayer gave me peace and led me to make good choices.

God gave me a name for this approach—it's our Holy Spirit Advantage.

You can learn what God taught me about our

Holy Spirit Advantage through my free online Bible study.

ReTested: The Story of a Post-Abortive Woman Called to Change the Conversation

I'm a writer and instructional designer by trade. My bachelor's and unfinished master's degrees are in Scientific and Technical Communication from the University of Minnesota. At the time, that degree was in the no-longer-existent Department of Rhetoric, so I've had my fair share of rhetorical theory courses, too.

I worked professionally in the Minneapolis metro as a consultant and therefore was able to experience different corporate cultures through projects at 3M (most known today for their Post-It Notes® but they do so much more), Best Buy, Target Corporation, Northwest Airlines, and so many more companies as well as working with professors at the University of Minnesota to design e-learning (back in the 1990s when it was all new).

After my focus switched to raising two boys, I learned how to navigate public schools in three states but settled in to homeschool because my boys learn differently.

Later I thanked God that we were able to learn more about Him because we had the time to focus on the Bible and bring Jesus into any and every conversation.

From my grad-school days, I knew how to teach college students how to write, but as a homeschool mom I had to learn how to teach boys who resist writing.

So I put on my academic hat and began researching how to reach resistant writers and then implemented those techniques with my boys and taught other parents to do the same.

In addition, God introduced me to curricula including Handwriting Without Tears, Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW), The Lost Tools of Writing (LTW), and more.

I applied my studies on writing process, including the rhetorical canon (invention, arrangement, elocution, memory, and delivery) to how I taught.

When the Lord called me into the pro-life movement, He told me to write books—but first He told me I had to write my own story. So out of obedience, I did.

I wasn't confident that my book was any good, so I applied to a couple award programs and won finalist both times.

The International Book Award is the most precious to me. I applied in early 2020. When the pandemic shut down the country and later the riots broke out in my hometown of Minneapolis and across the country, I forgot that I had applied.

In August of 2020, I checked my phone one last time before turning off the lights for the night. Seeing an email notification, I shot up out of bed. I was a finalist!

I couldn't remember how the program worked, so I didn't know if I was still in the running for #1, so I went to the website to see. No, the decisions were all made. I was finalist and would not win my category. So then I wanted to know who my competition was and who won—

The Pope! I lost to the Pope!

International Book Award

With my confidence boosted, I continued teaching my teens and then began teaching other teens online to write their short stories for their Classical Conversations assignment—but with a Christian approach. God showed me in my own writing how to incorporate my Holy Spirit Advantage, so I teach my students to do the same.

Those students continue to amaze me, so I continue to publish their best stories.

When I was trying to figure out what God wanted me to do with this "MybodyMyworship" name He gave me, He said it's an education company. So I began pulling all my teaching together under that name.

award-winning anthologies of short stories by Classical Conversations Challenge B student

After a couple years of teaching how to write a short story, God said, "Cheryl, those students continue to amaze you."

"Yes, Lord, they do."

"So why aren't you teaching my daughters?"

I was humbled. He was right, of course. If we're going to change the abortion conversation, then those who have survived crisis pregnancies and abortions need to speak up and share the consequences of our choices—and to preserve these stories throughout history.

God also pointed out that my students read short stories that are in the public domain and that those stories last for generations and are used in education because they are well written.

So now I coach women (and maybe men someday, too), how to share their story with power and grace using their Holy Spirit Advantage.

Memoir Writing for Christians

MybodyMyworship will offer more and more in the future as more collaborators join me in teaching writing and speaking, music and praise, sex ed and pro-life.

Some day we'll have pro-life conferences that teach this Holy Spirit Advantage and the full meaning of how to worship in Spirit and truth with sexual integrity so that people are set free from the lies of this world.

It's my body—and my choice—to worship with my whole body, sanctified by the Redeemer.

MybodyMyworship, an education company


Bring Cheryl to Your Next Event!

Let's work together to equip Christ followers to reach the world for life and for Christ. Click to learn about Cheryl's keynote addresses and workshops on the abortion issue and on writing.

Some of My Previous Speaking Engagements


Cheryl Krichbaum speaking at the Legacy Leader Conference

Claim Your Holy Spirit Advantage

Keep the enemy away through praise and prayer. From this presentation. Christians learned to praise God ahead of every battle (2 Chron 20:1-25), put on their armor (Eph 6:10-18), sing to break every chain (Acts 16:12-34), decide they're not coming down from their calling (Neh 6:1-16), and praise God again with thankfulness (2 Chron 20:26-30).

Legacy Leader Conference, 2023, Iowa

Spiritual Effects of Abortion

Cheryl Krichbaum speaking at the Legacy Leader Conference

The Spiritual Effects of Abortion

Abortion not only kills pre-born babies but also drains the souls of their mothers—and often their fathers and grandparents—who, like King David, are blinded to their sins until the Holy Spirit reveals their responsibility and calls them to repentance.

King David was a devout believer, yet he chose adultery and murder then suffered the consequences of his grievous sins. Likewise, Christians and non-Christians alike choose adultery and abortion then suffer the consequences whether they realize them or not.

special event, 2023, Minnesota


Cheryl Krichbaum speaking at an abortion recovery leaders conference


Are you triggered by the news or life circumstances? You can have complete healing--complete freedom from triggers. Not only can you be completely healed by Him who is able to do far more abundantly beyond all that we ask or think (Eph 3:20), but we should actively pursue healing because God is building an army of truth speakers. A wounded army won’t take much ground, but a healed and trained army will avail much.

Private Pro-Life Conference, 2022, Ohio



Before you start a conversation about life, first know how your audience thinks then address their concerns. I know your audience well because I used to defend abortion!

VitaArt Forum, fall 2022, Texas



Abortion not only murders pre-born babies but also the souls of their mothers—and often their fathers and grandparents. Let's acknowledge the effects of abortion so that we can understand and reach the abortion-minded.

(virtual presentation)

VitaArt Forum, spring 2022, virtual presentation



Neuroscience, medical, and psychological research show that God's design protects ourselves and our children from STIs/STDs, depression, addiction, and the inability to bond with spouses once married. A PG presentation of the science that supports your counter-culture values.

Reimagine Education Conference, 2019, Virginia

Reaching Reluctant Writers

Reaching Reluctant Writers

Whether your child is reluctant to write or revels in writing, you will learn practical processes to encourage your child to write well.

Reimagine Education Conference, 2018, Virginia



The Story of a Post-Abortive Woman Called to Change the Conversation


International Book Awards 2020

& Author Academy Elite 2019

(The winner of the category in the International Book Awards was the Pope! I'm okay with losing to the Pope!)


The Story of a Post-Abortive Woman Called to Change the Conversation

My story is not just what led to my abortion, the consequences of my choice, and how I healed but also of responding to my siblings' mental illnesses.

  • The first time I survived trauma by looking for agape love and settling for eros love, resulting in pregnancy.

  • When I encountered crisis again a decade-and-a-half later, I worried and strived to fix everything.

  • Then again, after another decade-and-a-half, I experienced a similar crisis yet again, and this time followed God's lead through an un-fixable situation.

Learn right along with me how to not just survive your circumstances, not to strive to fix your circumstances, but to thrive through your circumstances.

And gain insight into abortion from someone who had a "perfect" abortion she did not regret for 14 years.

Endorsed by

Abby Johnson & Kim Ketola

(affiliate link)


International Book Awards 2020

& Author Academy Elite 2019

(The winner of the International Book Award category was the Pope! I'm okay with losing to the Pope!)

Worship to End Abortion

Your Prayer Guide

Worship to End Abortion: Your Prayer Guide by Cheryl Krichbaum  updated book cover

Worship to End Abortion

Your Prayer Guide

Re-Release in the works!

Overturning Roe is but a milestone; making abortion unthinkable is the goal. Let's pray for the end, the worldwide end of abortion.

The end starts with us, The Church. The prayers of the righteous are powerful and effective (James 5:16), so let's pray for our righteousness then pray powerfully and effectively for the end of abortion.

Worship to End Abortion is your guide to pray differently, love differently, share differently for life.

Endorsed by

Serena Dyksen, Jennifer Milbourn, Briana Nei, Faye Bryant

Out of Print

My apologies! I'm rewriting this prayer guide for the post-Roe world.

Join the

40 days of Worship to End Abortion to get the draft for free

Abortion & Sex Ed


Pray differently, love differently, share differently for life! Overturning Roe is but a milestone; making abortion unthinkable is the goal. Let's pray worshipfully for the end of abortion.

Worship & Music


Worship is not saved for Sundays. Nor is worship just singing! What can we learn from the Bible about the power of worship? How do we become worship warriors?


Writing Coach


Sure, I won some awards, but not all writers can teach writing. With every spiritual gifts test, teacher has made the top of my list.

I studied writing process and teaching resistant writers. I taught college writing courses before God changed my life. More recently, I've been coaching homeschooled eighth graders through their short story writing assignment, then the Lord asked me why I wasn't teaching His daughters.

Point taken.

I earned my Bachelor's Degree and completed most of the requirements for a master's in Rhetoric & Scientific & Technical Communication from the University of Minnesota. My writing career includes course websites, online help systems, training materials, newsletters, and now I've authored my memoir and a prayer guide.

Cheryl Krichbaum
flames shaped like a trumpet - Raise Your Voice Like a Trumpet


Memoir Writing

To change the abortion conversation, we need to hear and preserve more real-life stories of women and men who have been through crisis pregnancies—whether post-abortive, birth parents, parents raising their children, or abortion survivors. Let us write so well that we can enter book contests with confidence and leave a legacy for those left behind once our Savior returns.

Cheryl Krichbaum signing books


Christian Writing

If you'd like support in making your Christian writing or speaking clear, concise, complete, correct, and compelling, meet with me one-on-one.

Plus a Growing List of Writing Courses for Christian Homeschoolers

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