Faces of Abortion Series
The Story of a Post-Abortive Woman Called to Change the Conversation
by Cheryl Krichbaum
Hardcover | Paperback | eBook
When dysfunction hit her family, Cheryl went looking for love elsewhere. She settled for sex and soon found herself a pregnant teenager. Not wanting more stress, she chose abortion.
Little did she know that her joy was sucked out of her right along with her baby, and she began to live like the walking dead. She spent the next 31 years fighting to get her joy back.
This raw memoir tells the story of a woman called to change the focus of the abortion conversation from babies and politics to women who make life and death "choices" about themselves.
Follow Cheryl as she learns not just to survive life's tests, not just to strive to fix life's tests, but to thrive through life's tests as she's tested, retested, and retested again.
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