emotionally numb?
easily triggered?
emotional mess when menstruating?
is drinking your "go to"?
or drugs?
or overeating?
or bulimia?
or anorexia?
feel justified but not satisfied?
want another baby right now?
preoccupied with abortion date?
or due date?
mad at men?
mad at women?
can't keep a relationship going?
crying spells?
need to move because you hate your bathroom?
having sex with anyone & everyone?
can't stand to be around babies?
or at baby showers?
The number of post-abortion healing programs has grown because more and more women (and now men) realize how wonderful freedom from their past feels and want to share that same feeling of freedom with others. Through the organizations listed below, you'll find both secular and religious options.
The group leaders are not holier-than-thou pro-lifers. They're women and men who had abortions themselves.
Once you've been through at least one healing program, join a post-abortion support group for continued community. You'll find both post-abortion care and post-abortion support groups listed below.
She Found His Grace
Phase One: Healing Your Abortion Wound
You will be met with God's grace and love as you begin your journey of forgiveness and set free.
Phase Two: Turning Your Pain into Purpose
Turning our Pain Into Purpose. What the enemy meant for harm, God will use for his good! When we find our healed voice we are able to help abortion-minded women choose life 85% of the time. There is hope, healing, forgiveness, and freedom.
She Found His Grace was founded by Serena Dyksen, whose marriage survived both her forced abortion and rape, and now she and her husband help others find life, healing, and redemption.
Understanding. Support. Healing.
24 x 7 x 365
Help. Hope. Healing.
H3Helpline is dedicated to letting those who are hurting from their post-abortion pain know they are not alone. We understand the pain associated with post-abortion in women and men involved in this desperate decision. We provide the best recovery resources available today for women experiencing depression, guilt, or grief after having an abortion.
PATH is an online ministry dedicated to women who have experienced guilt and regret from their abortions and seek a safe place to be with others who understand with their words of support and compassion.
The virtual bible study "Worthy of Love" is offered three times per year.
PATH was founded by Jeannie Pittam, whose marriage survived the aftermath of her abortion, and now she helps others find transformation and healing.
Support after abortion
Support After Abortion works with 800+ agencies to individualize care for individuals affected by abortion so that they find the hope and healing they deserve.
We connect those seeking healing with those providing healing.
Several leaders in Support After Abortion experienced healing after their own abortions and now connect post-abortion healing groups with women and men who seek healing.
Arise Daughter is a post-abortion mentoring ministry equipped by Holy Spirit to help women and men heal, train, and serve in the Kingdom of God.
Find community with AriseDaughter video calls.
Learn to create art to further facilitate your healing.
AriseDaughter.org was founded by Sylvia Blakely, who discovered healing 40 years after her abortion and now facilitates community and further healing with other post-abortive women.
Viable Act II
Viable is a one-act play that stirs deep and often buried emotions about abortion.
Viable Act II is a facilitated healing experience that helps people look behind their own curtains to understand how deeply Viable is already healing them.
Partnered with Sylvia Blakely of AriseDaughter.org, H3Helpline, and MybodyMyworship.
Raise Your Voice Like a Trumpet!
Change the abortion conversation with your pro-life memoir
Restoration often arises while writing.
If God is urging you to write your story for His glory, then consider author coaching to get your story written and written well.
MybodyMyworship was founded by Cheryl Krichbaum, who denied her need for healing until realizing she was emotionally numb. She found freedom in layers, including post-abortion care and writing her memoir, which won a couple awards. Now she speaks about unknown scars and leads women and men to write their pro-life memoirs.
The Missing Sex Ed Lessons
Positive. Empowering. Pro-Life.
This faith- and science-based course equips you to delay sexual encounters to avoid STIs, crisis pregnancies, and challenging relationships in the privacy of your own home.
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